Get Your Free Setting Boundaries Worksheet

Are you ready to reduce stress, avoid or overcome burnout, and reclaim your time? Gain greater awareness of where you need to set boundaries in your life. Get started by downloading our Setting Boundaries Worksheet!

Hi, I'm Stephanie
I created LiveWellFlow for people just like you...

As a certified mindfulness meditation and qigong instructor, national board-certified health and wellness coach, and managing attorney, I understand the challenges of juggling leadership responsibilities and personal well-being.

I created LiveWellFlow to support busy professional leaders, managers and entrepreneurs with demanding, stressful lives. My mission is to help you achieve a blend of success and fulfillment without burnout. Through mindfulness practices I help you reduce stress, improve health, better manage your time, and live in greater alignment with your values.

In my more than a decade of experience studying and practicing mindfulness meditation and qigong, I have engaged in many different practices to learn what most nourishes my mind, body, and spirit and fits best into my life. Sitting meditation and Qigong mindful movement serve as the foundation of my practice but other informal practices continue to enrich my life. My practice has been instrumental in improving my physical, mental, and spiritual health and my quality of life. I have taught mindfulness meditation and qigong to countless individuals as well as in corporate and government settings.

I am honored to share this practice with you through live in person, virtual, and on demand courses and coaching.

Why Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a practice of intentional, nonjudgmental, present moment awareness.

Centuries of experience and recent scientific research indicates the many benefits of a mindfulness practice. I can attest to these benefits from my own experience.

  • Improve your ability to manage stress

  • Improve focus and concentration

  • Improve judgment and decision-making

  • Increase compassion for self and others

  • Be more present

  • Be more resilient and balanced

Bringing Mindfulness to Your Life

There is no one-size fits all approach to mindfulness, just like there is no one size fits all approach to a mindful, more centered, and healthier you. That's why we offer different approaches to help you build and engage in a lasting mindfulness practice.

  • Calm the Mind

    Meditations and meditation courses to help you manage stress and cultivate a state of awareness, calm, and inner peace.

  • Move the Body

    Moving meditation courses on Qigong and walking meditation to help you feel more centered, improve your balance, and enhance your health.

  • Be Present

    Courses to help you bring mindfulness to the daily activities of life at work and at home.

"I owe Stephanie and her meditation classes so much.  They are providing me with the tools to manage myself, my experiences, my expectations, and my life.  I didn't realize before I began learning mindfulness techniques how much they would touch my life."  Elise
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Featured Offerings
Get Your Free Mindfulness Guide

Create a practice to help manage stress and live a more intentional life. Explore how you build mindfulness in a way that is tailored for your life.
Get Your Free Setting Boundaries Worksheet
Revitalize your life. Reduce your stress and reclaim your time by identifying where you most need to set boundaries. Increase your understanding of the cost of not doing so.
Recharge Your Energy & Overcome Burnout
Increase your awareness of what may be causing you to burnout. Learn how to prevent or overcome burnout so you can have the energy to focus on what matters most.

Cultivate Resilient Leadership and Inner Balance: Join Our Mindfulness Community Today!

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Helping busy students create greater peace and ease in their life

Our students have grown their mindfulness skills by working with us and taking our courses. Here are just a few of their stories.

"I owe Stephanie and her meditation classes so much.  They are providing me with the tools to manage myself, my experiences, my expectations, and my life.  I didn't realize before I began learning mindfulness techniques how much they would touch my life." 


"Stephanie's meditation sessions combine thoughtful discussions of a variety of mindfulness activities with a guided meditation that uses that day's approach. I both enjoy these sessions and learn more about ways I can address stress in my life.  Her patience with, and support of, our efforts to create a practice reinforces the importance of being kind to ourselves.  I find these sessions an oasis of calm in an otherwise stressful world.  Thank you, Stephanie!" 


"Stephanie has an excellent workshop facilitation style with good pacing.  She encourages participation and doesn't overtalk, allowing silence and reflection between points.  She does a great job of selecting and editing content and mixing talking, activity, and partner sharing.  She also curates excellent workshop topics and resource persons."


"Stephanie is masterful at taking an emotionally charged subject and breaking it down to smaller steps that really help make mindfulness and mindful eating easier."


"Stephanie has warmth and competence that are truly exceptional. She really knows her stuff and has that rare talent of being able to share what she knows in an empowering way, never lecturing or ‘talking at’ her audience. No matter how stressful my day has been, her guided meditations always leave me calmer and more centered."


"I have found Stephanie's meditation sessions extremely beneficial.  It has been such a great touchpoint in a time of great uncertainty and angst for so many of us.  She has an energy and a way of speaking about mindfulness that is simple but very impactful.  Her guided meditations create a space to deeply relax and let go, and it's always a different and supportive experience to practice with others.  It is positive, uplifting energy. I look forward to the sessions."


"Stephanie was an invaluable health and wellness coach for me. She presented me with questions, resources, and homework that I found empowering and productive. She is a great listener and synthesized my thoughts and feelings in a way that made things crystallize for me. I realized how much control I have over my own life choices. I am better at taking the time I need for myself so I can be a happier, healthier "me" which makes me a better mother, wife, and friend. I am responsible for my own happiness and I feel like I have the tools to achieve it now. Thank you Stephanie!"


"Stephanie was such a wonderful coach, and I'm thrilled that I had the opportunity to work with her. She frequently started our sessions with a short guided meditation that I found both calming and incredibly useful as we moved on to discussions about progress I had made and possible upcoming pitfalls.

I found working with Stephanie a really rewarding experience and one that I would highly recommend to others. She did a great job integrating physical, mental, and emotional health in helping me set goals for myself."


"Stephanie is a thoughtful coach, guiding with insightful pacing and placing caches of wisdom within reach. She was faultlessly professional and generous. I appreciated her patience, wisdom, warmth, and humor."


"I was able to spend 12 weeks working with Stephanie, and the Live Well Flow Coaching Program. Stephanie started with discussing my mindset, determining my goals, and digging deep into the mindset around eating and wellness.

During the sessions with Stephanie, I was able to focus on determining deeper reasons behind eating, eating emotionally, and eating mindlessly. We spent time meditating and I felt like I was finally able to hear what my body was telling me. I feel better able to know when it is the right time to eat for my health, and when I need to pay attention to my feelings.

We did three different mindfulness sessions, tasting food and really paying attention to what we are putting into our mouths. For the first time (in a very long time) I actually tasted my food. It has been life changing for me. I have learned to slow down when eating, what to do to taste my food, and enjoy what I am eating-all without eating mindlessly.

I was sad when our coaching agreement ended, I wish I could keep Stephanie in my pocket forever!"

Allyson Bathalon

"Stephanie is a thoughtful, compassionate, and empathetic coach. She has been direct and forthright, not allowing me to hide behind the excuses or "stories" as she aptly calls them, which I know don't serve me well. She has shown a dedication and focused energy that has helped me to hone in on effective, practical ways to proceed - not simply with a job search, but with a real pathway forward in my life as a working mom. I highly recommend her for any life, wellness, or job coaching needs you may have!"


"Above all, Stephanie made me feel listened to. I’ve always had dreams, but they were wispy and cloudy, too varied to bring into focus. Stephanie guided me to clarify which dream most needed to take precedence, and then she helped me build habits that have allowed me to realize my visions. She did this all while listening so carefully it shocked me at times, always making me feel like what I said was important. She did not diminish any of my concerns. She listened to the realities of my situation, and helped me determine which obstacles were only perceived, which were legitimate, and which needed to be honored. By holding up a mirror to me in important moments, she helped me set priorities.

Her professionalism is unparalleled, and her way of looking at systems gave me a different lens through which to examine various dynamics.

Nothing seemed to faze her—I asked for guidance on a contract at work, my family-work balance, and time-management. She was masterful at determining and wading through details.

Now, many months after setting my priorities, my entire perspective of my life has shifted, and I am enormously grateful for Stephanie’s presence on my journey."


"Stephanie was my coach during a challenging life transition to self-employment. She has a wonderful ability to actively listen, summarize your thoughts, and ask reflective questions that help you stay focused and get at the real issue - all while giving you the nurturing support you need. I highly recommend Stephanie Lewis to anyone wanting to move forward in life to a better version of themselves!"


"Stephanie has great presence and her warmth and engaging personality make it easy to be authentic while working with her. She asked powerful questions that helped me with personal exploration and she held space for me to process information and feelings. I would highly recommend Stephanie to anyone working on personal development and seeking to dive deeper and make some effective changes in their life."

Emily Kushvaliev

"Stephanie was my coach and mentor and there is not enough room here to say all the wonderful things about her. When we met, I was just beginning my mindfulness learning. About three sessions in, my life took a nose dive and my stress skyrocketed. Stephanie was steady, calm and focused on what I needed. She helped me become aware of my motivations and feelings while teaching me so much about the mindfulness practice. Her guidance led to me a steady and growing commitment. Plus (and I have told her this) she has the best meditation voice ever!"


"It’s been two years since our work together. While I still have not built that regular meditation practice, I do practice mindfulness daily. I’m mindful of what I eat—even when I make an unhealthy choice.

I’m mindful of my thoughts. I’m able to move things out of my mind, but also able to process thoughts that I need to address.

I’m mindful of what’s going on in my body. The mindfulness lessons led me to finally change/manage my relationship with food. I'm eating at home 90% of the time.

I’ve also developed a regular exercise routine/habit, resulting in weight loss, lower cholesterol, and improved overall health.

And a lot has changed. I got married. I changed jobs. I moved across the country to the place closest to my heart. That’s a lot. It could’ve been stressful. Well, it was actually. But you gave me tools. And I use them as needed.

I wanted to check in to let you know how your former pupil was doing and to say thank you!! You helped me change my life for real!

Tomeka Hart

"Stephanie is one of the most engaging and calming speakers I have ever had the pleasure of viewing virtually. Her energy floats through the screen and you can almost feel it!

Over the last year, I’ve attended dozens of virtual presentations but none like what Stephanie delivered. She spoke to my organization on the benefits of wellness, mindfulness, and meditation. She used both common practices and also introduced a handful of new tactics to engage our audience. She seamlessly interacted with our group through a computer screen and made us feel as though we were sitting in a live audience!

She has this natural ability to make you want to listen to what she has to say and feel comfortable when invited to participate. Stephanie certainly knows how to bring a group of people together in not only a compelling manner, but one where even weeks after her presentation many of her words are left ringing in my ear as small reminders from the lessons she left us with.

I can’t recommend Stephanie enough and only hope I’m lucky enough to hear her speak again soon!"

Molly Droelle

"I have been working with Stephanie about 9 months, and I think she is awesome! So intuitive and so down-to-earth. She really empowers you to come up with your own answers. She might offer up her impression of what you are saying, but she makes sure to give you the space to let it sit and see if it really rings true for you. She comes up with excellent questions that get right to the heart of the matter; I am often amazed at her ability to know just what to ask. She also is adept at wearing a more "SMART goals" coaching hat for issues that benefit from that approach.

Stephanie has lots of excellent resources. I use her guided meditations daily, choosing among several depending on my needs. I find that all of Stephanie's meditations, in addition to their stated themes, leave me feeling grounded and at ease. There is something about the quality and timing of her voice and her choice of words and music that makes my heart smile. In addition to her own blog and workshops, she has suggested books and online resources from other practitioners as well. She really encourages you to find what works for you.

My own work with Stephanie has ranged from specific goals like establishing better self-care habits (exercise, meditation) to improving my relationship with food (she is a certified teacher of Michelle May's Intuitive Eating approach) to exploring issues as diverse as starting a new career, learning to trust my "little"/"inner" voice, and re-engaging with my artistic side. I feel that I have made huge progress in so many aspects of my life in this short period of time, and I credit her skilled support as being a key factor in that progress. I'm so grateful to have the honor of working with her."


"I absolutely love the class that you taught. It has helped me to learn to stay grounded in my body. I especially love the body scan meditation. I feel that I am able to achieve a higher level of relaxation because of the class that I took with you.

I would highly recommend your class. The weekly class helped hold me accountable to practice skills learned and add new skills. It allowed us time to review skills learned the week prior. It helped to consolidate our own experience. And, you have such a soothing and affirming voice. I also love your compassionate approach. You are very knowledgable about different practice methods and shared books that could help us to increase our knowledge if we choose to do so. I really enjoy learning from you. Your instructions were clear and easy to follow.

I really like the audio guided meditation files that you sent us. I listen to your guided meditations while I am learning to familiarize myself with each practice. The amount of time that we spent on each class was perfect! It was not too long and not too short. It gave us enough time to practice together, learn new information and skills, and practice together agaiin. The class helped me to build confidence. I feel that I can meditate any where and at any time. It helped me to understand that the time that I invested in myself will help carry me through the day. It continues to help me to stay grounded and present. I am very grateful that I took the class from you. Much appreciation."
