Setting Mindful Goals for the New Year

How do you stay focused on your intention to create a sustainable, mindful approach to well-being? In this practical, interactive, virtual workshop, we discuss and engage in setting powerful intentions and taking the steps to bring them to a sustainable reality, including setting boundaries to allow space for you to renew and recharge in the new year. 


The workshop will include:

  • Mindfulness meditation to help you gain clarity on your intentions,
  • Exercises that help you set manageable goals and break them down into achievable steps, supported by a 20-page workbook, and,
  • Group discussion to foster support and connection.


Attendees will also receive resources on goal setting and setting boundaries, including:

  • A set of 4 guided meditations and 4 coaching audios on setting intentions, goals, and boundaries,
  • A goal setting guide to remind you of the key principles you learned in this workshop, and,
  • A journal to help you reflect and stay on track.

Join us to kick off your 2024 journey with mindfulness practices, personalized guidance, and a toolkit for lasting change.

"Stephanie has an excellent workshop facilitation style with good pacing. She encourages participation and doesn't overtalk, allowing silence and reflection between points. She does a great job of selecting and editing content and mixing talking, activity, and partner sharing. She also curates excellent workshop topics and resource persons." Rebecca


Senior Instructor Stephanie Lewis

Stephanie is a certified mindfulness instructor, national board certified health and wellness coach, and certifed qigong practice leader. She founded LiveWellFlow to help busy professionals manage stress, create greater peace of mind, improve health, and increase productivity. Stephanie has studied and practice mindfulness meditation and qigong for more than a decade. Her practice has been instrumental in improving her physical, mental, and spiritual health and her quality of life. She has taught mindfulness meditation and qigong to countless individuals as well as in corporate and government settings and is honored to share this practice with you.